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Deep Mapping Theory
- Bodenhamer, David J, Trevor M Harris, and John Corrigan. 2013. "Deep mapping and the spatial humanities." International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 7 (1-2): 170-175.
- Bodenhamer, David J., John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris. 2015. Deep maps and spatial narratives.The Spatial Humanities. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
- Bodenhamer, David J. 2018. "Chasing Bakhtin’s ghost: from Historical GIS to deep mapping." In The Routledge companion to spatial history, 530-543. Routledge.
- Earley-Spadoni, Tiffany. 2017. "Spatial history, deep mapping and digital storytelling: archaeology's future imagined through an engagement with the digital humanities." Journal of Archaeological Science 84: 95-102.
- Roberts, Les. 2016. “Deep mapping and spatial anthropology”. Humanities 5, no. 1.
Deep Mapping Methodology
- Bodenhamer, David J., John Corrigan, and Trevor M. Harris. 2022. Making deep maps : foundations, approaches, and methods.Routledge spatial humanities series. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Eanes, Francis R., Janet M. Silbernagel, Patrick Robinson, and David A. Hart. 2019. "Interactive Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives for Landscape Conservation and Public Engagement." Landscape journal 38 (1): 7-24. https://doi.org/10.3368/lj.38.1-2.7.
- Ridge, Mia, Don Lafreniere, and Scott Nesbit. 2013. "Creating Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives through Design." International journal of humanities and arts computing 7 (1-2): 176-189. https://doi.org/10.3366/ijhac.2013.0088.
Spatial Humanities
- Bodenhamer, David J, John Corrigan, and Trevor M Harris. 2010. The spatial humanities: GIS and the future of humanities scholarship. Indiana University Press.
- De Boer, Victor, and Lise Stork. 2024. "Hybrid Intelligence for Digital Humanities." In HHAI 2024: Hybrid Human AI Systems for the Social Good, 94-104. IOS Press.
- Drucker, Johanna. 2021. The digital humanities coursebook: an introduction to digital methods for research and scholarship. Routledge.
- Golub, Koraljka, Ahmad M Kamal, and Johan Vekselius. 2021. "Knowledge organisation for digital humanities: An introduction." In Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities, 1-22. Routledge.
- Gregory, Ian N, and Alistair Geddes. 2014. Toward spatial humanities: Historical GIS and spatial history. Indiana University Press.
Digital Storytelling
- Davis, Hilary, Jenny Waycott, and Max Schleser. "Digital storytelling: designing, developing and delivering with diverse communities." In Managing complexity and creating innovation through design, pp. 15-24. Routledge, 2019.
- Earley-Spadoni, Tiffany. "Spatial history, deep mapping and digital storytelling: archaeology's future imagined through an engagement with the digital humanities." Journal of Archaeological Science 84 (2017): 95-102.
- Podara, Anna, Dimitrios Giomelakis, Constantinos Nicolaou, Maria Matsiola, and Rigas Kotsakis. "Digital storytelling in cultural heritage: Audience engagement in the interactive documentary new life." Sustainability 13, no. 3 (2021): 1193.
- Shiri, Ali, Deanna Howard, and Sharon Farnel. "Indigenous digital storytelling: digital interfaces supporting cultural heritage preservation and access." International Information & Library Review 54, no. 2 (2022): 93-114.
- West, Christina H., Kendra L. Rieger, Amanda Kenny, Rishma Chooniedass, Kim M. Mitchell, Andrea Winther Klippenstein, Amie-Rae Zaborniak, Lisa Demczuk, and Shannon D. Scott. "Digital storytelling as a method in health research: A systematic review." International Journal of Qualitative Methods 21 (2022).
Community Engaged Scholarship
- Agbe‐Davies, Anna S. (2010), Concepts of Community in the Pursuit of an Inclusive Archaeology. International Journal of Heritage Studies 16(6): 373-389.
- Fenlon, Katrina Simone. "Sustaining digital humanities collections: challenges and community-centred strategies." International Journal of Digital Curation 15, no. 1 (2020): 13-13.
- Harris, Trevor M. 2016. "From PGIS to participatory deep mapping and spatial storytelling: An evolving trajectory in community knowledge representation in GIS." The Cartographic Journal 53 (4): 318-325.
- Klein, Terry H., Lynne Goldstein, Deborah Gangloff, William B. Lees, Krysta Ryzewski, Bonnie W. Styles, and Alice P. Wright. "The future of American Archaeology: Engage the voting public or kiss your research goodbye!." Advances in Archaeological Practice 6, no. 1 (2018): 1-18.
- Lafreniere, Don, Luke Weidner, Daniel Trepal, Sarah Fayen Scarlett, John Arnold, Robert Pastel, and Ryan Williams. 2019. "Public participatory historical GIS." Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 52 (3): 132-149.
- Liew, Chern Li, Anne Goulding, and Max Nichol. "From shoeboxes to shared spaces: participatory cultural heritage via digital platforms." Information, Communication & Society 25, no. 9 (2022): 1293-1310.
- Lim, Jonathan S, Sean Gleason, Warren Jones, and Willard Church. 2021. "Nuna Nalluyuituq (The Land Remembers): Remembering landscapes and refining methodologies through community‐based remote sensing in the Yukon‐Kuskokwim Delta, Southwest Alaska." Archaeological Prospection 28 (3): 339-355.
- Ryzewski, Krysta (2024). Archaeologists and Community Collaboration. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology, ed. M. Aldenderfer.
- Scarlett, Sarah Fayen, Don Lafreniere, Daniel J Trepal, John DM Arnold, and Yichun Xie. 2019. "Out of the Classroom and Into History." The History Teacher 53 (1): 11-35.
- Trepal, Dan, Sarah Fayen Scarlett, and Don Lafreniere. 2019. "Heritage making through community archaeology and the spatial humanities." Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage 6 (4): 238-256.
Historical Geospatial Methods and Practice
- Dunae, Patrick A., Donald Lafreniere, Jason A. Gilliland, and John S. Lutz. 2013. "Dwelling Places and Social Spaces: Revealing the Environments of Urban Workers in Victoria Using Historical GIS." Labour (Halifax) 72 (72): 37-73.
- Gregory, Ian N., Chris Bennett, Vicki L. Gilham, and Humphrey R. Southall. 2002. "The Great Britain Historical GIS Project: From Maps to Changing Human Geography." Cartographic journal 39 (1): 37-49.
- Lafreniere, Don, and Jason Gilliland. 2015. ""All the World's a Stage": A GIS Framework for Recreating Personal Time-Space from Qualitative and Quantitative Sources." Transactions in GIS 19 (2): 225-246.
- Lafreniere, Don, and Jason Gilliland. 2020. "Revisiting the Walking City: A Geospatial Examination of the Journey to Work." In Historical Geography, GIScience and Textual Analysis, 85-111. Springer.
- Lin, Yue, Jialin Li, Adam Porr, Gerika Logan, Ningchuan Xiao, and Harvey J. Miller. 2023. "Creating building-level, three-dimensional digital models of historic urban neighborhoods from Sanborn Fire Insurance maps using machine learning." PLOS ONE 18 (6): e0286340.
- Trepal, Dan, Don Lafreniere, and Jason Gilliland. 2020. "Historical spatial-data infrastructures for archaeology: towards a spatiotemporal big-data approach to studying the postindustrial city." Historical Archaeology 54: 424-452.
Ethics & Best Practices
- Berry, D. (2022). AI, ethics, and digital humanities (Version 1). University of Sussex.
- Christen, Kimberly. "Relationships, not records: Digital heritage and the ethics of sharing Indigenous knowledge online." In The Routledge companion to media studies and digital humanities, pp. 403-412. Routledge, 2018.
- Gonzalez, Maria Eunice, and Mariana Vitti Rodrigues. "Digital Humanities: Ethical Implications and Interdisciplinary Challenges." Humanities Bulletin 5, no. 1 (2022): 111-125.
- Hummel, Patrik, Matthias Braun, Max Tretter, and Peter Dabrock. "Data sovereignty: A review." Big Data & Society 8, no. 1 (2021).
- Rainie, Stephanie Carroll, Tahu Kukutai, Maggie Walter, Oscar Luis Figueroa-Rodríguez, Jennifer Walker, and Per Axelsson. "Indigenous data sovereignty." (2019): 300-319.