As we continue the countdown to our June 15th launch, here is another #MapYourHistory story: "As a recent transplant to the Keweenaw, I’m always looking for opportunities to get involved in local events. In March 2017, I volunteered at the start of the Copperdog 150 race in Calumet. I only managed to get a few photos before the cold drained my phone battery! It was wonderful to see historic 5th Street transformed into a snow road for the sleds and I was inspired by the energy and excitement from the dogs.
Through my work with the Keweenaw Time Traveler project, I came to learn that the parking lot that served as a staging area for the racers was once home to a beautiful building-- the YMCA. This juxtaposition reminds me of the importance of historic preservation-- by continuing traditions like dog sled races, and by protecting historical buildings, we enrich our daily lives and leave a legacy for future generations to enjoy." --Mollie Doerner
Are you ready to Map Your History? We are! For the next few weeks we will be posting some of our favorite stories about the people and places of the Keweenaw. Keweenaw Time Traveler launches June 15th! "I ride my bike across Cole’s Creek pretty often, but I never stopped to think about how different it was a hundred years ago. This photo I found in the MTU archives is of the Michigan Smelter that was right next to Cole’s Creek in 1914. Imagine: tough mine workers braving the harsh Houghton winter in the country’s northern frontier. The trains would have arrived on the upper rail line above the factory, letting the ore drop through chutes using gravity, feeding huge furnaces. The train on the lower line departed regularly piled high with massive copper ingots. It was a sprawling high-tech operation… but today I can ride past without even noticing it!" - Luke Weidner
The Keweenaw Time Traveler is almost ready for you!
Be among the first to see it in action. Join us for a brief introduction and then work one-on-one with our team members and learn to map your history! |