Have you ever walked through a historic map? Our GRACE interns and Time Traveler team did! We headed out to Lake Linden with 1935 and 1893 maps loaded on tablets and smart phones. As we walked through town, we could track our movement and compare what we could see with what used to be there. We found the Bosch Brewing Co., explored downtown commercial areas, and followed the copper milling process with Michigan Tech Prof. Carol MacLennan. The "Leaching Plant" you see on this map is just one of the many large processing buildings whose concrete footprints are still part of the Lake Linden waterfront park. All our hard work building the Time Traveler will make it possible for anyone to walk through more of the Copper Country's historic maps!
The Keweenaw Time Traveler team welcomes its newest members — 11 local high school students! They come to us through a new partnership with the GRACE Project, an NSF-funded program started at Eastern Michigan University. GRACE is training teachers and students in underserved areas to use GIS technologies and matching them to real-world projects — like the Time Traveler! Our interns have completed initial training in ESRI software and are joining our undergrads in the vital work of identifying thousands of features on historic maps. But we also get outside! Here's a photo of the whole team exploring our landscape. More on that soon...
We are making great progress! Our Keweenaw Time Traveler team has finished creating the "geocoder" for 1949. This will allow visitors to automatically map historical information about people, events, and places to the exact location in the Keweenaw around 1949. Look at all the buildings and structures we have outlined! We have scanned and georeferenced more than 1200 maps and located more than 66,500 houses, commercial buildings, theaters, train stations, shaft houses, smelters, mills and other mine locations. We are working quickly on 1942, 1928, and 1917… |